@extends('layout.index') @section('title', 'Import Farmers List') @section('content')
@if ($message = Session::get('success'))
@elseif ($message = Session::get('error'))
Sr. No Farmer Code Brand Name Program Name Country Name State Name District Name Block Name Village Name Name Farmer Type Agriculture Irrigated Agriculture Flood Irrigated Agriculture Drip Sprinkler Irrigated Is Land Taken on Lease Agriculture Land Taken on Lease Is Land Given on Lease Agriculture Land Given on Lease Agriculture Rainfed Cotton Irrigated Cotton Flood Irrigated Cotton Drip Sprinkler Irrigated Is CottonLand Taken on Lease Cotton Land Taken on Lease Rainfed Cotton Land Taken on Lease Irrigated Is Cotton Land Given on Lease Cotton Land Given on Lease Cotton Rainfed Source of Irrigation Source of Irrigation Other Action
{{-- --}}